How to preserve garlic

la conservación de ajos en cámaras frigoríficas


Garlic is a plant included in the onion plant family, original from Central Asia and it is one of the oldest plant in the world, being the Egyptians the first to cultivate it.

There are different types of garlic and each variety will need different temperature and periods of preservation.


The Garlic types depend on its neck and color.


If we take into account the neck we can find varieties such as German Garlic and Spanish red rocambole which can be preserved for 6 months. On the other hand, garlic with soft neck such as New Yor white and Inchellium red varieties can be preserved for a longer time. And last but not least, Susanville variety is the best garlic variety to be preserved.


Depending on its color, it could be:

rose, violet, purple, white and brown, red, and black.


Chillers and cooling rooms used for garlic are more important day by day, because a right coolant conservation gives a longer life to the garlic, so it is really important to make a good cooling installation and a right storage to have a good product for consumption.


Optimal conditions for garlic storage is -3ºC and 70%RH and it is also important to have a correct air circulation all around the room, avoiding the humidity accumulation what should damage the product.


Inside the rooms garlic grows slowly, so it is really important not to break the cold chain, once broken the time to sell garlic depends on when it was taken out of the room, if we take it out early we will have several weeks and if we do it late we will have some days.


Abrupt change in temperature can damage the product, so it is recommended to do a pre-coolant before storage.

It is really important to make a good cooling installation and a right storage to have a good product for consumption.