Cheese can be defined as the resultant product of a selective concentration of milk components, through a coagulation and extraction of a serum that carries the soluble components of the milk.
Through manipulations of the obtained curd, the use of special temperatures of maturation and others agents, it is possible to make a huge quantity of cheese with different properties and compositions.
There are several groups of cheese according to the coagulation form, texture, consistency, elaboration of curd, maturation form, etc…
The milk quality is very important to make high quality cheese, where all known varieties of cheese have their common origin in milk.
The most common temperature of maturation oscillates between 4 and 15ºC, depending on the type of cheese.
The high maturation temperatures accelerate the process but damages the quality of the product.
An excessive humidity produces a condensation that prevent shell formation and favors the growth of superficial fungi.
If humidity is very low causes crack in the shell.